Coming Soon

Subscribe to your favorite channels

and stake VERY

VERY's unique community compensation policy further develops the community and shares profits.
20-30% of the profits from Verychat advertisements are paid as staking rewards for the channel.

Attract staking to channel and earn rewards!

  • In your own channel,
    get 20% staking reward

    Create your own unique content and attract more staking.
    20% of staking rewards are distributed to the channel owner.

  • In your favorite channel,
    share 80% of staking reward

    Stake VERY in your favorite channel to receive 80% of staking rewards. (1/n)
    Channels with more ads earn larger rewards!

Channel Staking Reward Policy

Tokenomics Rewards + Advertising Rewards

Daily VERY distribution amount per period when staking

Daily distribution amount /

All VERY deposited in the channel x VERY deposited by me +

(Channel ad revenue x 0.2 + In-app ad revenue x 0.3) x VERY deposited by me

Actual distribution example

Below is a sample data example for cases where staking in a channel has been maintained for over a year. *Daily distribution of 172,603 VERY for durations between 1 to 2 years. This is not an actual earnings estimate. Please refer to it as an example only.

sample data
  1. A Daily distribution amount 172,603
  2. B Total VERY deposited in all channels 450,000,000
  3. C Total advertising revenue in A channel 2,000,000
  4. D Total VERY deposited in A channel 12,000,000
  5. E In-app advertising revenue 150,000,000
  6. F Total deposited in subscription channels 2,500,000
  7. G My A channel Total deposited 2,500,000
  1. H Daily distribution amount to be paid 958.906
  2. (F/B*A)
  3. I In-app advertisement distribution amount 250,000
  4. (E/B*30%*F)
  5. J Channel advertisement distribution amount 83,333.33
  6. (C*20%) * (G/D)
  • Total of my VERY to be distributed today 334,292
  • H+I+J
  • Interest rate (APY) 4880.667%
  • Channel owner's VERY reward 1,000,000
  • (C*50%)